COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
Covid-19 Preparedness Plan
Minneapolis First SDA Church
Updated 4/4/2022
For the love of others, especially our most vulnerable population, please stay home if you are
feeling ill or have any flu-like symptoms.
Minneapolis First SDA Church is committed to providing a safe and healthy place to worship. To
ensure we have a safe and healthy place to worship, we have developed the following COVID-19
Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for
transmission of COVID-19 in our church and that requires full cooperation among our
members/visitors. Only through this cooperative effort can we establish and maintain the safety
and health of all persons in our church.
Door Access
All members and visitors are encouraged to enter the church using the front entrance. This will
ensure a successful screening process and provision of masks and hand sanitizer. If using any
other entrance please proceed to the foyer for screening before attending church activities.
Screening Questions
During peak flu/covid time, all members and visitors will be screened with the questions listed
below when they arrive. If a member or visitor answers yes to any of the following questions, they
will be advised to go home, stay away from people and contact their health care provider. The
questions will also be posted in the electronic bulletin for members/visitors to screen themselves
before coming to church.
Please answer “Yes” or “No” to each question. Do you have:
❏ Fever or feeling feverish?
❏ Chills?
❏ A new cough?
❏ Shortness of breath?
❏ A new sore throat?
❏ New muscle aches?
❏ New headache?
❏ New loss of smell or taste?
❏ In the last two weeks have you been in contact with someone who was confirmed
or suspected to have coronavirus (Covid-19)?
People who are at a higher risk of severe illness due to Covid-19 are strongly encouraged to
continue worshiping from home at this time.
Hand Hygiene
Members/visitors are encouraged to maintain proper hand hygiene by regularly using a sanitizer or
washing hands with soap and water. Members/visitors should bring their own personal sanitizer if
possible but the church will have sanitizers available at the church entrances and other strategic
Everyone who is over 5 years old is encouraged to wear a mask in church. Masks will be
mandated if the state or the city has instructed so. Children between the ages of 2 and 5
years old are not required to wear face coverings, but are encouraged to wear face
coverings when in church if they can do so reliably in compliance with CDC guidance.
Children under age 2 years must not wear face coverings. The church will provide
disposable masks for those people who might not have any.
Pulpit participants may temporarily remove their face masks when presenting/speaking at the
pulpit and they are strongly advised to stay at least 3 feet apart from each other. In case of mask
mandates participants must put on their masks as soon as they finish presenting.
Social Distancing
Members/visitors sharing the same household are encouraged to sit together. Members/Visitors
who do not live in the same household are recommended to maintain a social distance of 3 feet
apart.They should limit hugging, handshakes and or elbow bumps.
Colored tape will be used to mark the pews for social distancing. We will also utilize the fellowship
and fireside room once there is no additional space in the sanctuary. At the end of the church
service, ushers will guide everyone out of the sanctuary. Please remain seated until you are
ushered out. Avoid crowding at entrances and hallways. You are encouraged to maintain social
distancing at all times.
Cleaning & Disinfecting
In addition to the regularly scheduled church cleaning, we will ask 3 or more volunteers to assist in
disinfecting frequently touched surfaces after the service is over using a disinfectant that is
effective against the Coronavirus per EPA standards. Areas to be disinfected include doorknobs,
countertops, barriers, railings, handles, ends of pews, Microphones, Piano, AV equipment and
other high contact surfaces. The community services group will also be asked to disinfect
frequently touched surfaces that are used by volunteers and visitors on Thursdays. The bathroom
doors will also be slightly propped open so that members/visitors do not have to touch the knobs in
order to open them.
Hymnals, Bibles and Printed Bulletins
Hymnals and Bibles may be removed from the sanctuary because they cannot be effectively
cleaned. Members/visitors are encouraged to bring their own bible/hymnal or follow using the
projector. Please put the printed bulletins in the recycle bins outside the sanctuary at the end of
the service.
Whenever possible, microphones should not be shared. Use hand sanitizer before handling
microphones. They should also be disinfected after each person uses them.
Singing can spread droplets that can transmit the coronavirus. Congregants should keep their
masks on when singing.
Offering Collection
Deacons will collect offerings while exercising caution. We also have 2 baskets at the back of
the church where members/visitors can deposit their offering as they come in or leave the
church. Members/visitors will also be encouraged to use electronic methods of paying for
offerings such as CashApp $Mpls2315nicollet or the adventist giving app by clicking here.
Parents are encouraged to watch over their children at all times and escort them to the
bathroom when they need to use the bathroom. Children should not be roaming in the church
unattended. All children above five years old are encouraged to wear masks at all times.
The fellowship council and potluck leadership, will provide guidance concerning potluck. During
peak infection the church does not have adequate space to have potluck while maintaining social
distancing. Having potluck will also require members/visitors to remove their masks. When there is
low infectivity the health ministry will assess the situation and advise the church board which have
the mandate to allow for such activity. If a potluck is planned, you are encouraged to sanitize
before serving, maintain a social distance of at least 3 feet and keep your mask on until the time of
Sabbath School Classes
All Sabbath school classes are currently held in person at church. Adult class is broadcasted via
the church live streaming services. Follow all the guidelines stated above for in person gathering.
Children Clubs & Activities
Children thrive better mentally physically and spiritually when they are engaging in physical
instruction and not socially isolated. This has been consistently reported by the CDC, the
American Association of Pediatrician and other professional organizations, All youth club classes
and activities are encouraged to be held in person. During peak infectivity clubs may be held
online. The leadership will make final decisions and provide guidance. Links for the classes are
provided through WhatsApp and email. Follow the guidelines for in person gathering as
stated above.
Communion Service
During peak times modifications are employed to ensure that communion service is done in a
safe manner. Provisions are made for both in person and virtual participants. Communion service
activities such as foot washing in church will be suspended, however, you are encouraged to
wash one another's feet at home. When infectivity levels are low, the church may decide to carry
on in a safe manner with all communion practices including feet washing.
Water Fountain
The water fountain located in the fellowship hall will not be available for use for the
unforeseeable future. Members/visitors are encouraged to carry their own bottled water if
Last updated on 4/4/22